


Opening Hours

M-F: 11-7 | Sat 10-1

If you don’t make time for your wellness
you will be forced to make time for your illness.

— Anonymous

We offer a balance of massage and reflexology services to help reduce your stress level, avoid chronic disease and increase your overall relaxation, leading to better emotional management and stability in all situations.

Detoxification using our infrared sauna and foot bath help alleviate the accumulation of environmental stressors and toxins (like heavy metals and chemicals) to strengthen your immune system, gut and overall health.

Our mix of body work programs from the Healthy Weight & Vibe Plate to our Warm Stretch Classes increase your vitality and help you live a healthier, more balanced lifestyle.

Find your stress-free remedy and let’s help you live your best life!
Massage Therapy | Reflexology | Detoxification | Body Work

Book your visit now at
717.877.7533 or use the online scheduler!