


Opening Hours

M-F: 11-7 | Sat 10-1

See Pricing page for single-sessions, membership & package options


far infrared sauance with purple chromotherapyInfrared Sauna triggers the “feel good” hormone, known as endorphins and helps to balance cortisol, which is the body’s primary stress hormone.  It relaxes muscles and relieves tension in the body allowing for one to destress.  It improves well-being and mental health and assists in the body’s detoxification.  Detoxifying the body helps reduce inflammation, lose weight, sleep better, boosts circulation and purifies the blood.  Temperature can be adjusted to individual comfort, but the Infrared Sauna is “cooler” than a traditional sauna.  Maximal treatment time is 60 minutes. 

Chromotherapy uses colors to balance and soothe your emotional, mental, and physical issues.  Colors are vibratory and has its own wavelength and frequency.  We perceive colors due to the vibrations they hold.  Colors gives us a certain amount of energy like creativity, motivation, happiness, calmness, relaxation and clears the mind of anxiety and stress.   This can also be compared to the Chakra system, highlyfar infrared sauna with green chromotherapy concentrated energy that are connected to locations along the spinal cord and related to major organs. Chromotherapy and chakras blend nicely because each chakra governs a certain color. 

Halo Salt reduces inflammation, promotes healthy lung function, can benefit ones who suffer from allergies, asthma, and the common cold.  It helps calm stress and an overall feeling of health.


Our food, the air we breathe and the environment we live and work in are all filled with increasing levels of toxins that our bodies can no longer keep up with. Our immune systems become compromised, foot bath detoxificationmaking us more susceptible to chronic illnesses, aches, and pains. The Ionic Foot Bath detoxes the body through large pores in the feet, reaching into the circulatory and lymphatic systems to neutralize toxins and excrete them back into the water. The colors and condition of the water indicates which areas of the body are accumulating toxins and leading to dysfunction, so you can better address issues and evaluate progress as you continue with detoxification processes.

*** Memberships & Bundles available on Services above at discounted rates ***

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717.877.7533 or use the online scheduler!