


Opening Hours

M-F: 11-7 | Sat 10-1

If you feel like you’re losing everything remember that trees lose their leaves every year, and they stand tall and wait for better days to come.
— Unknown

About Brenda – LMT/PTA, Owner

Brenda Baxter, Massage Therapist & Owner

Brenda has a long history of caring for others.  Starting as a Physical Therapist Assistant and then adding massage therapy, she spent the first few years practicing as a Licensed PTA in long term care Centers. In 2004, she opened “The Balance” wellness center focused on fitness, health, nutrition, yoga and massage. She returned to long term care in 2007 as Director of Rehab managing Physical, Occupational and Speech Therapists while providing care to residents. During this time she continued massage therapy through home visits with her own private clients. 

Now as a PA-Licensed Massage Therapist she reopened The Balance, specializing in what we all need more of. Dedicated stress management and relaxation treatments that create positive, tangible change. After all, you can’t pour from an empty cup! Finding deep appreciation in the quality time she shares with clients, Brenda’s integrity manifests through the relief her services bring rather than their monetary value. Which is how our membership packages came about—to make self-care an affordable and dedicated practice!

Always focused on helping people live their best lives, Brenda has a passion for doing the same at home. Spending her free time lavishing love on her 10-year-old sheltie, Josselyn Grey, and wonderful husband Dave. Traveling to exotic places and making time for her own relaxation. Adding to her joy by spending quality time with her parents, two sisters and seriously spoiling her sassy niece, Sofia Blue.

Brenda’s spirit revels in everything fall, from the rejuvenating nature of trees and sweet cycle of life, to the glorious changes in leaf color, wild weather and those earthy smells of mmm, autumn. You’ll find those same grounded qualities that embrace life within all she does for you at The Balance.

Book your visit with Brenda at
717.877.7533 or use the online scheduler!