


Opening Hours

M-F: 11-7 | Sat 10-1

See Pricing page for single-session & package options

foot reflexologyFoot Reflexology (Standard 30minutes) is the application of pressure to designated areas of the feet to help relax and alleviate stress.  The idea behind Reflexology is that organs and systems of the body are directly related to areas of the feet.  Pressure is applied to those areas to help the organs and systems of the body relax and heal and help you feel better.  Reflexology is a low-risk modality and can be an option for stress management.    It can help with sleep, stress, and anxiety. 

Full Body Reflexology (Standard 50 minutes) is also known as Natural Electro-Magnetic Process.  It is a technique which promotes natural health and body restoration by elevating the electrical energies of the body to their highest levels.  The electro-magnetic effect is fundamental to human physiology.  Disease and physical deficiencies are commonly a product of a degenerated nervous system which is often responsible for poor circulation.  N.E.M. techniques can clear neural pathways and facilitate the reconnection of severed or broken nerves.  Organ and glands can be regenerated, reactivated, and cleansed by a direct flush of blood being moved into and out of a specific area.  N.E.M. removes the roadblocks that restrict the body’s own tremendous healing capacities. 

Book your visit now at
717.877.7533 or use the online scheduler!