


Opening Hours

M-F: 11-7 | Sat 10-1

See Pricing page for single-sessions, membership & package options

FULL BODY MASSAGE (Standard 60+ or Long 90+ minutes)

therapeutic massage on backRelaxation Massage (also referred to as Swedish) focuses on providing general relaxation, eases muscle tension and improves blood circulation. This is typically given as a full body massage that incorporate different techniques and strokes and may include “add-ons” as listed below. This type of massage does not necessarily focus on knots, spasms, or other muscle ailments.   

Hot Stone Massage uses warmed basalt stones to provide relaxation through penetrating heat with varying techniques and strokes. This massage focuses on general relaxation and muscle tension.

hot stones, himalayan salt and towels for massageHimalayan Hot Stone Massage uses warmed Himalayan Salt stone to provide relaxation and benefits from heat.  Salt stones contain 84+ minerals that are beneficial to the body.  Salt promotes health blood sugar and helps decrease blood pressure.  It also supports lung function and sinuses.  Salt can also help bone health and prevents muscle cramps.  It lightly exfoliates the skin and is highly relaxing.  It relieves anxiety and promotes health sleeping habits.

Relaxation with targeted therapeutic Massage focuses on providing general relaxation, however; can also incorporate deep tissue manipulation to focus on specific muscle ailments like spasms, trigger points and more.  This type of massage will only spend a limited time on muscle ailments and should not be considered if you are suffering from pain and tension in a specific area.  Time options are the same as above. 

*Recommended treatment protocol is 1 to 2 times per month.


Enjoy an ultimate massage designed to soothe, stimulate and restore your mind, body and spirit.  A massage that includes Swedish (relaxation), deep tissue and hot stone techniques for the ultimate benefits of the body.  The use of Gemstone eye mask and calming Jade stone heat is designed to calm the mind during the Meditation portion, prior to or after the massage.   The benefits from a blend of Dosha oils designed to help ground, cool or invigorate the spirit. 

*Suggested protocol is 1 massage every 1-3 months


This massage uses various techniques to improve flexibility and range of motion by focusing on the muscles that are used in a specific sport or fitness regimen.  It will help to decrease pain and speed up the recovery process.  The muscles will benefit from the Manual PNF stretching technique included in this massage as well as improve overall functioning and movement.  Ending the session with a Pneumatic Compression pump to increase blood flow will be sure to make you feel restored and ready to get out there again.  Great for Pre and Post Events.

*Suggested protocol is before/after a sporting event OR workout

MEDICAL MASSAGE (45-75 minutes)

therapeutic back massageTherapeutic Massage focuses on one (1) or two (2) painful areas to allow a slow and deep penetration to address specific muscle spasms, trigger points and muscle restriction and tightness.  Each consecutive session allows deeper penetration, allowing genuine relief from pain.  Once the area(s) can maintain their integrity, clients are encouraged to continue with a Full Body Relaxation with targeted therapeutic massage. This massage can be very beneficial prior to or after a Chiropractic appointment. 

Myofascial Release Massage relieves pain associated with myofascial tissues.  Myofascial tissue is found throughout the body to support and connect muscles, joints, and bones.  There are multiple layers that work together to allow for free range of motion.  Pain can originate from this tissue and may be hard to identify because it can move from the original area and expand across a larger region.  Myofascial release massage can improve range of motion, reduce soreness, improve circulation, relieve stress, and help the natural recovery process.  This massage may be beneficial for someone suffering from Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Depression, Headaches, poor posture, and other pain issues that have not responded to other forms of treatment.  

*** Memberships & Bundles available at discounted rates ***
*Recommended treatment protocol is 1 every week to 2 weeks until pain is under control and the muscles can maintain their integrity between the massages.

lymphatic drainage after should surgeryManual Lymphatic Drainage is a form of gentle massage that encourages the movement of lymph fluids around the body. The fluid in the lymphatic system helps remove waste and toxins from the body.  Some health conditions can interrupt the normal flow of lymph, causing lymph to build up in a particular area of the body, often in the arms and/or legs, where it can cause swelling. Lymphatic massage can reduce swelling and improve circulation throughout the lymph system.  Indications for a Lymphatic Drainage massage are Pre- and Post-Op, C-section, Chron’s, Migraine, Cellulite, Multiple Sclerosis, Post Op Plastic Surgery, Joint Replacements and Mastectomy.  Includes Pneumatic Compression or Vibe Plate treatment.

*Recommended treatment protocol is 3-5 days in a row until swelling is controlled, then 1 session per month

Can be incorporated into any massage on request or as recommended by massage therapist

Cupping is using special “suction” cups on your skin for a few minutes to help with pain, inflammation, blood flow, relaxation, and well-being.  This add is used to reduce restrictions and release the myofascial massage towels, salt stones, cupping, cbd oilsheath covering the muscle, allowing for better muscle movement.  Cupping can also help scar tissue and adhesions post injury. 

CBD Infused uses non-intoxicating CBD infused oil to target specific areas of pain. CBD is full of health benefits, including decreasing inflammation, reducing chronic pain, lowering stress and anxiety levels, and speeding up muscle recovery.

Kinesiology Taping focuses on the treatment of connective tissue, joints, muscles, and tendons.  Taping maintains support to the body while allowing blood, lymph, and other bodily fluids to move freely through and around the injured muscle to help cleanse and heal it. 

Book your visit now at
717.877.7533 or use the online scheduler!