


Opening Hours

M-F: 11-7 | Sat 10-1

Self care is giving the world the best of you, instead of what’s left of you.
— Katie Reed

About Olivia – LMT

Olivia Pickering, licensed massage therapistOlivia found herself interested in massage after a lifelong dream of helping people with their well-being. She graduated from the Massage Therapy Program at Harrisburg Area Community College and is passionate about aiding people in their journeys of healing and self-care.

As a PA-Licensed Massage Therapist, Olivia wishes to give people a safe space where they can focus on themselves and their well-being. She provides services for stress management and relaxation along with deep tissue and postural treatments to give her clients the opportunity to create sustainable change. She is passionate about building connections with the people she meets and enjoys the quality time she spends with her clients.

Olivia enjoys spending time with her two cats, Eleanor and Ramona, as well as her friends and family. When she’s not spending time with loved ones, Olivia likes to play piano and enjoy the outdoors. She likes to travel to new places and experience different cultures, but her favorite spot is the Adirondack Mountains in upstate New York.

Book your visit with Olivia at
717.571.2224 or use the online scheduler!